From the CEO:
Dear all,
I thought it was high time to let you all know what’s been happening at DMT, so the team and I have put together a year-to-date report, highlighting what we have been up to. Sometimes it’s only when you stop and reflect on what you have been doing that you realise it’s a lot!
It’s been an interesting year; one like no other. The incredible levels of demand coming out of Melbourne have been wonderful, but of course, systemic issues like workforce have made it challenging for many of you.
The surge of pent-up demand has benefitted much of regional Victoria, but it has been a pretty competitive environment, as we, like other regions, try to get our slice of market share. We leaned hard on our regional brand to ensure we capitalised on the demand. And we did well, punching well above our weight and getting fantastic growth in both visitation and spend. This is detailed below. We did very well.
This is very much a collective effort. While the team here at DMT does a great job, it is you, the operators that people are coming to see. The high levels of professionalism and incredible hard work is something I am in awe of, every day.
Visit Victoria plays a huge role here as well. We have a brilliant working relationship with the team at Visit Vic and I’m enormously grateful for the support they provide. They give us more than our share of ‘love’ and we’re super grateful for this. Similarly, we have had amazing support from the Department of Jobs, Skills, Industry and Regions (DJSIR) as well as our Councils, Macedon Ranges and Hepburn Shires.
We’ve been very busy rolling out our Workforce Development and Industry Strengthening programs, and we are just diving into our incredibly important Destination Management Plan work. Detail and updates on these is given later in this document. Thanks to all of you who have contributed to these.
I do want to thank my team for their hard work this year. Part-time in hours, but full time in commitment, Alla Wolf-Tasker said it best when she said that ‘it’s great to see DMT staffed by a team of professionals’.