We work closely with leading media outlets to help share the word about the many reasons to visit our region. We regularly engage with print, digital and broadcast media.
We also work closely with Visit Victoria and Tourism Australia to ensure our region is kept top of mind for any PR activities they have happening.
Our partners play a key role in helping to shape the content we share with our media contacts. We receive regular media requests for details of what’s new in the region – new accommodation or upcoming events, things to see and more. If you have something new happening, make sure you tell us about it.
Whether it’s for a publication requiring a long lead in time (we are often asked “what’s happening in six months? What’s happening next year?”), to those last minute “I need it within the next half an hour for an urgent feature”. You can be sure if you have sent us your news, we will use it wherever we can.
We regularly have opportunities to host media visits (or familiarisations as they are known within the industry). These can range from simple one day trips to multi-day, fully coordinated trips that include accommodation, meals and activities. Famils are a fantastic and cost-effective way of receiving positive and far-reaching media coverage. Again, we rely heavily on the support of operators to make these happen.
If you’d like to be involved in a famil, need help engaging with media, or have a good story to share – please get in touch with our PR & Content Manager, Madeleine Blake, email